Stephanie Chatagner's Blog

How I choose a topic

• Data


Well. Choose a topic. The questions are endless when you don’t have a business problem or a particular social topic. There is the covid at the moment… but no. I like the theme of immigration to the United States a lot. I find fascinating the construction of countries such as the USA or the island. Young countries that have not known the Middle Ages. There are a lot of dataset with very different themes. You can get lost on these sites and go from one idea to another at any time. There are two that caught my attention, the AWS data news. I wonder about the impact of world events on immigration to the United States and the Hapyness country, do they also have an immigration to the United States?

I read How to Work with BIG Datasets to speed up Pandas.

I learned from Steps to Complete a Data Analytics Project. I am new to this field. This blog gives me a great guideline!

So, next step tomorrow about datasets.

So, step by step and keep learning!