Stephanie Chatagner's Blog

Oh my Kaggle

• Data


Well. I searched for data to get additional information to the data I already have. Kaggle’s datasets are countless. The tabs in my browser are cumulative when reading the community and the different challenges. I find the datasets :

  • WDIData : some development indicators from internatopnal sources.
  • Education Statistics: a collection of indicators that describe education access.
  • 20 years US University Dataset : contains information about universities of United State.
  • USA Airport Dataset: some informations about USA flights
  • US_Perm_Visa: informations about the job of a foreign worker
  • Airline Delay and Cancellation Data: more data about flights

I limit the loading of files to 1000 lines while exploring with Python.

I read “La Logique pas a pas”(Logic step by step) by Jacques Duparc, The theory of sets more specifically. I love that book! I learn about df.read_ to load files.

Tomorrow, I will work about data clean… or not!

So, step by step and keep learning!