Stephanie Chatagner's Blog

One more time

• Python


With Pandas, exploring datasets is a game.
First I copy my Dataframe. That way I always have a clean copy. I start slowly with, pd.describe() and finally a pd.head(). With pd.shape I stay on Python or switch to Spark and that’s another story. Let’s go a bit further, df.nunique() to count the number of unique values in a column and then df[df.duplicated(keep=False)].sort_values("one_value"). I look for duplicate rows, I want them all sorted and grouped by “one value”.

Then I create a smaller Dataframe according to a criterion. For example, I want to create a smaller dataframe, cols = [col for col in n_df.columns if n_df[col].isnull().any()]; df_miss = n_df[cols] to get a new Dataframe with only the columns containing the missing data. And df_miss.isna().sum() to continue exploring this smaller Dataframe.

By taking a value(“US-HI”), we find it if it exists with df[df.apply(lambda x: x.astype(str).str.contains(r'\bUS-HI\b')).any(axis=1)]. For the whole data frame, if the type is str, check that it contains exactly “US-HI” for any value in the column. The return is a Dataframe with the rows that contain this string.

And don’t forget %xdel to delete unnecessary Dataframes.

Tomorrow, I will work about data clean… One more time!

So, step by step and keep learning!