Stephanie Chatagner's Blog

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This summer, I attended a Business Analysts summer camp. It was great! We were a group of 15 people with different profiles. These two months ended with 3 other people working with us. To do this, I called a former colleague who had founded a medical logistics start-up to offer him to work on his data! I was so afraid he would refuse! but no and it was off! 15 intense days that made the link between my old life and the new one. First, we explored all the tables, underestimated the time it would take, then we started the data cleasning and once again, underestimated the timeā€¦ we got there, with mutual help and complementary profiles. I learned a lot during this project, both on a technical and human level.

I still have to write an article to tell this story!

So, step by step and keep learning!