Stephanie Chatagner's Blog

• T-Sql


Another type of data is the exact numerical values with integer. Integer are tinyint, smallint, int, and bigint. It’s better to use the smallest type.

Type Range Storage
tinyint 0 <–> 255 1 byte(octet), ex: human age
smallint -2^15 <–> 2^15-1 (-32 768, 32 767) 2 bytes ex: # students in school
int -2^31 <–> 2^31-1 (-2 147 483 648, 2 147 483 647) 4 bytes ex: # students in university
bigint -2^63 <–> 2^63-1 (-9 223 372 036 854 775 808, 9 223 372 036 854 775 807) 8 bytes

With +, -, *, / or %, integer are converted into numeric before the final conversion in float, real, decimal, or numeric. Integer 5 give numeric (1, 0), 250 give (3, 0) , so long.

decimal are lenght-fixed and precision-fixed. With the maximum precision-fixed, values are betwween -10^38+1 and 10^38-1. decimal[ (p[,s])] : p (precison), total number in the decimal, right part and left part of the comma with p between 1 and 38, default 18. (informatica only 16). s (scale), right part of the comma. p minus s give the maximum number at the left part. Numeric is functionally the same as decimal.
float Approximate data types for use with floating point numeric data. The ISO synonym for real is float(24). float [ ( n ) ] : n is the number of bits used to store the mantissa of the float number in scientific notation and indicates the level of precision and the storage size. If n is specified, its value must be between 1 and 53.

So, step by step and keep learning!