Stephanie Chatagner's Blog

• T-Sql


Set Operators are useful to combine the same type of data from several tables anf then produces a single result set based on the operator. Here they comes: UNION, UNION ALL, INTERSECT, EXCEPT. Let’s go and find out!

There are great to combine the same type of data from several tables and then get a single result set.

  • The rules on Set Operations:
    • Number and order of columns must be the same in all the requests and data type must be consistent.
    • Data type of each column must match between every result set and the first resultset.
    • Column names or aliases must be determined by the first SELECT statement
    • Null values are equal
  • Syntax:
    SELECT [Col, . . . ] FROM [t1] [WHERE conditions]
    [set operator]
    SELECT [Col, . . .] FROM [t2] [WHERE conditions]
    [set operator]
    SELECT [Col, . . . ] FROM [tableN] [WHERE conditions]
    [ORDER BY];
  • EXCEPT : Return distincts rows of the left statement, not find in the right statement. Retrieve all record from the first dataset, then remove from the result all records from the second dataset.
  • INTERCEPT : Takes the data from both result sets which are in common, returns any distinct values that are returned by both the query on the left and right sides of the INTERSECT operand.
  • UNION: Combine two or more result sets into a single set, without duplicates.
  • UNION ALL : Combine two or more results sets into a single set, including all duplicates.
So, step by step and keep learning!