Stephanie Chatagner's Blog

COUNT() in Sql Server

All I Need • Jake Bugg • 2020

• T-Sql


The aggregate function COUNT() returns the number of items found in a dataset.
Syntax: COUNT ([ALL | DISTINCT] expression), return type is an integer.
The COUNT() function applies to all values and returns the number of unique non-zero values. We connot use a subquery or aggregate function in the expression.

We may encounter some other forms:

  • COUNT(*) : doesn’t support DISTINCT, takes no parameters, include NULL and duplicates values :
      SELECT COUNT(*) cloth_count FROM dressing.clothes;
  • COUNT(expression): includes duplicate values but does not include NULL values, only count rows where the given column is NOT NULL :
      SELECT COUNT(cloth) cloth_count FROM dressing.clothes;
  • COUNT(ALL expression) : evaluate the expression for each row, returns the number of non-null values. It’s the default value.
      SELECT COUNT(cloth) cloth_count FROM dressing.clothes;
  • COUNT(DISTINCT expression): evaluate the expression for each row, returns the number of unique, non-null values.
      SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT cloth) cloth_count FROM dressing.clothes;

    No difference between COUNT(*) and COUNT(1). COUNT(1) assigns the value (number 1) to every row in the table, then the same function counts how many times the value in the parenthesis has been assigned. This constant expression will never evaluate to NULL.

We may encounter other counters:

  • ROW_NUMBER() window function: to number the output of the result set. The maximum of that number which would be the last number which also represents the number of records in that table.
  • Exec Sp_spaceused 'table_namee'
So, step by step and keep learning!