Stephanie Chatagner's Blog

• Data


FR, fr, FRA, Frce, … France !
Addresses, Names, Country Names, Phone Numbers, Company Names Emails … Do you always have well-formated data? No matter what my machine learning, data engineering or data analyst projects are, there are always different formats for the same type.

The effects on your organization are:

  • Multi-platform/application inefficiency or even failure;
  • Poor lead scoring, segmentation, and routing;
  • Increased manual processes
  • Duplication of records
  • Poor marketing attribution. Data standardization makes the data into a single usable format from different sources to enable users to process and analyze it.

The benefits are:

  • Seamless and efficient flow of valuable data through your sales and marketing applications and platforms
  • Improved segmentation, lead scoring and routing
  • Effective personalization
  • Improved analytics
  • Streamlined data flow to BI and AI tools.

How to do it? Quite simply.

  • Identify required data formats
    • Consult business teams to identify format require to execute their processes.
    • List all connected systems, note data formats for different field values to have some examples.
  • Investigate incoming data formats
    • Note the most commun formats in input and the desired format
  • Learn how data impacting to prioritize actions
    • Consider the impact of non-formatted data on a loss of income, a disruption of business processes, causes of non-useful data, a lower user productivity, a lack of user adoption?
  • Put your strategy into action
  • Maintain standardization
    • Organizations evolve, data too. The standardization methods should continue to do the job.
So, step by step and keep learning!